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Collected Item: “Forty Years Reminiscences of the High Court of Judicature at Bombay”


Forty Years Reminiscences of the High Court of Judicature at Bombay




Memoirs of legal practice at the Bombay High Court by A. J. C. Mistry, managing clerk at the Bombay Parsi solicitors' firm, Wadia Ghandy & Co.


Ardeshir Jamshedji Chanji Mistry

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University Library (e.g. UCL)

Repository name:

Bodleian Law Library, University of Oxford

Full archival reference/citation, eg: Smith to Grey, 10 November 1848, WCA KAB/GH Vol. 1/196 ref. 80

Cw India 510 M678a
Books N11240740

Colony - select a colony most relevant to the material

British India

Subject - select a subject most relevant to the material

Courts and other legal institutions

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Judges and magistrates

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court, legal profession, lawyer, solicitor, advocate, barrister, judge

Contributed by:

Mitra Sharafi

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